Core Components
Below is the list of core components that are provided by Apache Camel.
Number of Core Components: 27 in 24 JAR artifacts (0 deprecated)
Component | Artifact | Support Level | Since | Description |
camel-bean | Stable | 1.0 | Invoke methods of Java beans stored in Camel registry. | |
camel-browse | Stable | 1.3 | Inspect the messages received on endpoints supporting BrowsableEndpoint. | |
camel-bean | Stable | 2.4 | Invoke methods of Java beans specified by class name. | |
camel-controlbus | Stable | 2.11 | Manage and monitor Camel routes. | |
camel-dataformat | Stable | 2.12 | Use a Camel Data Format as a regular Camel Component. | |
camel-dataset | Stable | 1.3 | Provide data for load and soak testing of your Camel application. | |
camel-dataset | Stable | 1.3 | Extends the mock component by pulling messages from another endpoint on startup to set the expected message bodies. | |
camel-direct | Stable | 1.0 | Call another endpoint from the same Camel Context synchronously. | |
camel-dynamic-router | Stable | 3.15 | The Dynamic Router component routes exchanges to recipients, and the recipients (and their rules) may change at runtime. | |
camel-exec | Stable | 2.3 | Execute commands on the underlying operating system. | |
camel-file | Stable | 1.0 | Read and write files. | |
camel-kamelet | Stable | 3.8 | To call Kamelets | |
camel-language | Stable | 2.5 | Execute scripts in any of the languages supported by Camel. | |
camel-log | Stable | 1.1 | Prints data form the routed message (such as body and headers) to the logger. | |
camel-mock | Stable | 1.0 | Test routes and mediation rules using mocks. | |
camel-ref | Stable | 1.2 | Route messages to an endpoint looked up dynamically by name in the Camel Registry. | |
camel-rest | Stable | 2.14 | Expose REST services or call external REST services. | |
camel-rest | Stable | 2.16 | Expose OpenAPI Specification of the REST services defined using Camel REST DSL. | |
camel-scheduler | Stable | 2.15 | Generate messages in specified intervals using java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService. | |
camel-seda | Stable | 1.1 | Asynchronously call another endpoint from any Camel Context in the same JVM. | |
camel-stream | Stable | 1.3 | Read from system-in and write to system-out and system-err streams. | |
camel-stub | Stable | 2.10 | Stub out any physical endpoints while in development or testing. | |
camel-timer | Stable | 1.0 | Generate messages in specified intervals using java.util.Timer. | |
camel-validator | Stable | 1.1 | Validate the payload using XML Schema and JAXP Validation. | |
camel-wasm | Experimental | 4.4 | Invoke Wasm functions. | |
camel-xslt | Stable | 1.3 | Transforms XML payload using an XSLT template. | |
camel-xslt-saxon | Stable | 3.0 | Transform XML payloads using an XSLT template using Saxon. |
Below is the list of non-core components that are provided by Apache Camel.
Number of Non-Core Components: 330 in 260 JAR artifacts (4 deprecated)
Component | Artifact | Support Level | Since | Description |
camel-activemq | Stable | 1.0 | Send messages to (or consume from) Apache ActiveMQ 5.x. This component extends the Camel JMS component. | |
camel-activemq6 | Stable | 4.7 | Send messages to (or consume from) Apache ActiveMQ 6.x. This component extends the Camel JMS component. | |
camel-amqp | Stable | 1.2 | Messaging with AMQP protocol using Apache QPid Client. | |
camel-arangodb | Stable | 3.5 | Perform operations on ArangoDb when used as a Document Database, or as a Graph Database | |
camel-as2 | Stable | 2.22 | Transfer data securely and reliably using the AS2 protocol (RFC4130). | |
camel-asterisk | Stable | 2.18 | Interact with Asterisk PBX Server (VoIP). | |
camel-atmosphere-websocket | Stable | 2.14 | Expose WebSocket endpoints using the Atmosphere framework. | |
camel-atom | Stable | 1.2 | Poll Atom RSS feeds. | |
camel-avro-rpc | Stable | 2.10 | Produce or consume Apache Avro RPC services. | |
camel-aws2-athena | Stable | 3.4 | Access AWS Athena. | |
camel-aws-bedrock | Stable | 4.5 | Invoke Model of AWS Bedrock service. | |
camel-aws-bedrock | Stable | 4.5 | Operate on AWS Bedrock through its Agent. | |
camel-aws-bedrock | Stable | 4.5 | Invoke Model of AWS Bedrock Agent Runtime service. | |
camel-aws-cloudtrail | Stable | 3.19 | Consume events from Amazon Cloudtrail using AWS SDK version 2.x. | |
camel-aws2-cw | Stable | 3.1 | Sending metrics to AWS CloudWatch. | |
camel-aws-config | Stable | 4.3 | Manage AWS Config service. | |
camel-aws2-ddb | Stable | 3.1 | Store and retrieve data from AWS DynamoDB. | |
camel-aws2-ddb | Stable | 3.1 | Receive messages from AWS DynamoDB Stream. | |
camel-aws2-ec2 | Stable | 3.1 | Manage AWS EC2 instances. | |
camel-aws2-ecs | Stable | 3.1 | Manage AWS ECS cluster instances. | |
camel-aws2-eks | Stable | 3.1 | Manage AWS EKS cluster instances. | |
camel-aws2-eventbridge | Stable | 3.6 | Send events to AWS Eventbridge cluster instances. | |
camel-aws2-iam | Stable | 3.1 | Manage AWS IAM instances. | |
camel-aws2-kms | Stable | 3.1 | Manage keys stored in AWS KMS instances. | |
camel-aws2-kinesis | Stable | 3.2 | Consume and produce records from and to AWS Kinesis Streams. | |
camel-aws2-kinesis | Stable | 3.2 | Produce data to AWS Kinesis Firehose streams. | |
camel-aws2-lambda | Stable | 3.2 | Manage and invoke AWS Lambda functions. | |
camel-aws2-msk | Stable | 3.1 | Manage AWS MSK instances. | |
camel-aws2-mq | Stable | 3.1 | Send messages to AWS MQ. | |
camel-aws2-redshift | Stable | 4.1 | Perform operations on AWS Redshift using Redshift Data API. | |
camel-aws2-s3 | Stable | 3.2 | Store and retrieve objects from AWS S3 Storage Service. | |
camel-aws-secrets-manager | Stable | 3.9 | Manage secrets using AWS Secrets Manager. | |
camel-aws2-sts | Stable | 3.5 | Manage AWS STS cluster instances. | |
camel-aws2-ses | Stable | 3.1 | Send e-mails through AWS SES service. | |
camel-aws2-sns | Stable | 3.1 | Send messages to AWS Simple Notification Topic. | |
camel-aws2-sqs | Stable | 3.1 | Send and receive messages to/from AWS SQS. | |
camel-aws2-step-functions | Stable | 4.0 | Manage and invoke AWS Step functions. | |
camel-aws2-timestream | Stable | 4.1 | Write records and execute queries on AWS time-series database | |
camel-aws2-translate | Stable | 3.1 | Translate texts using AWS Translate and AWS SDK version 2.x. | |
camel-azure-cosmosdb | Stable | 3.10 | To read and write records to the CosmosDB database on Azure cloud platform. | |
camel-azure-eventhubs | Stable | 3.5 | Send and receive events to/from Azure Event Hubs using AMQP protocol. | |
camel-azure-files | Preview | 3.22 | Send and receive files to Azure storage file share | |
camel-azure-key-vault | Stable | 3.17 | Manage secrets and keys in Azure Key Vault Service | |
camel-azure-servicebus | Stable | 3.12 | Send and receive messages to/from Azure Service Bus. | |
camel-azure-storage-blob | Stable | 3.3 | Store and retrieve blobs from Azure Storage Blob Service. | |
camel-azure-storage-datalake | Stable | 3.8 | Sends and receives files to/from Azure Data Lake Storage. | |
camel-azure-storage-queue | Stable | 3.3 | Stores and retrieves messages to/from Azure Storage Queue. | |
camel-bean-validator | Stable | 2.3 | Validate the message body using the Java Bean Validation API. | |
camel-bonita | Stable | 2.19 | Communicate with a remote Bonita BPM process engine. | |
camel-box | Stable | 2.14 | Upload, download and manage files, folders, groups, collaborations, etc. on | |
camel-braintree | Stable | 2.17 | Process payments using Braintree Payments. | |
camel-caffeine | Stable | 2.20 | Perform caching operations using Caffeine Cache. | |
camel-caffeine | Stable | 2.20 | Perform caching operations using Caffeine Cache with an attached CacheLoader. | |
camel-cassandraql | Stable | 2.15 | Integrate with Cassandra 2.0 using the CQL3 API (not the Thrift API). Based on Cassandra Java Driver provided by DataStax. | |
camel-chatscript | Stable | 3.0 | Chat with a ChatScript Server. | |
camel-chunk | Stable | 2.15 | Transform messages using Chunk templating engine. | |
camel-clickup | Preview | 4.9 | Receives events from ClickUp | |
camel-cm-sms | Stable | 2.18 | Send SMS messages via CM SMS Gateway. | |
camel-coap | Stable | 2.16 | Send and receive messages to/from CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) capable devices. | |
camel-cometd | Stable | 2.0 | Offers publish/subscribe, peer-to-peer (via a server), and RPC style messaging using the CometD/Bayeux protocol. | |
camel-consul | Stable | 2.18 | Integrate with Consul service discovery and configuration store. | |
camel-couchbase | Stable | 2.19 | Query Couchbase Views with a poll strategy and/or perform various operations against Couchbase databases. | |
camel-couchdb | Stable | 2.11 | Consume changesets for inserts, updates and deletes in a CouchDB database, as well as get, save, update and delete documents from a CouchDB database. | |
camel-cron | Stable | 3.1 | A generic interface for triggering events at times specified through the Unix cron syntax. | |
camel-crypto | Stable | 2.3 | Sign and verify exchanges using the Signature Service of the Java Cryptographic Extension (JCE). | |
camel-cxf-soap | Stable | 1.0 | Expose SOAP WebServices using Apache CXF or connect to external WebServices using CXF WS client. | |
camel-cxf-rest | Stable | 2.0 | Expose JAX-RS REST services using Apache CXF or connect to external REST services using CXF REST client. | |
camel-debezium-db2 | Stable | 3.17 | Capture changes from a DB2 database. | |
camel-debezium-mongodb | Stable | 3.0 | Capture changes from a MongoDB database. | |
camel-debezium-mysql | Stable | 3.0 | Capture changes from a MySQL database. | |
camel-debezium-oracle | Stable | 3.17 | Capture changes from an Oracle database. | |
camel-debezium-postgres | Stable | 3.0 | Capture changes from a PostgresSQL database. | |
camel-debezium-sqlserver | Stable | 3.0 | Capture changes from an SQL Server database. | |
camel-djl | Stable | 3.3 | Infer Deep Learning models from message exchanges data using Deep Java Library (DJL). | |
camel-dhis2 | Stable | 4.0 | Leverages the DHIS2 Java SDK to integrate Apache Camel with the DHIS2 Web API. | |
camel-digitalocean | Stable | 2.19 | Manage Droplets and resources within the DigitalOcean cloud. | |
camel-disruptor | Stable | 2.12 | Provides asynchronous SEDA behavior using LMAX Disruptor. | |
camel-disruptor | Stable | 2.12 | Provides asynchronous SEDA behavior using LMAX Disruptor. | |
camel-dns | Stable | 2.7 | Perform DNS queries using DNSJava. | |
camel-docker | Stable | 2.15 | Manage Docker containers. | |
camel-drill | Stable | 2.19 | Perform queries against an Apache Drill cluster. | |
camel-dropbox | Stable | 2.14 | Upload, download and manage files, folders, groups, collaborations, etc on Dropbox. | |
camel-dynamic-router | Stable | 4.4 | The Dynamic Router control endpoint for operations that allow routing participants to subscribe or unsubscribe to participate in dynamic message routing. | |
camel-ehcache | Stable | 2.18 | Perform caching operations using Ehcache. | |
camel-elasticsearch | Stable | 3.19 | Send requests to ElasticSearch via Java Client API. | |
camel-elasticsearch-rest-client | Stable | 4.3 | Perform queries and other operations on Elasticsearch or OpenSearch (uses low-level client). | |
camel-etcd3 | Preview-deprecated | 3.19 | Get, set, delete or watch keys in etcd key-value store. | |
camel-fhir | Stable | 2.23 | Exchange information in the healthcare domain using the FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) standard. | |
camel-file-watch | Stable | 3.0 | Get notified about file events in a directory using java.nio.file.WatchService. | |
camel-flatpack | Stable | 1.4 | Parse fixed width and delimited files using the FlatPack library. | |
camel-flink | Stable | 2.18 | Send DataSet jobs to an Apache Flink cluster. | |
camel-flowable | Preview | 4.9 | Send and receive messages from the Flowable BPMN and CMMN engines. | |
camel-fop | Stable | 2.10 | Render messages into PDF and other output formats supported by Apache FOP. | |
camel-freemarker | Stable | 2.10 | Transform messages using FreeMarker templates. | |
camel-ftp | Stable | 1.1 | Upload and download files to/from FTP servers. | |
camel-ftp | Stable | 2.2 | Upload and download files to/from FTP servers supporting the FTPS protocol. | |
camel-geocoder | Stable | 2.12 | Find geocodes (latitude and longitude) for a given address or the other way round. | |
camel-git | Stable | 2.16 | Perform operations on git repositories. | |
camel-github | Stable | 2.15 | Interact with the GitHub API. | |
camel-google-bigquery | Stable | 2.20 | Google BigQuery data warehouse for analytics. | |
camel-google-bigquery | Stable | 2.23 | Access Google Cloud BigQuery service using SQL queries. | |
camel-google-calendar | Stable | 2.15 | Perform various operations on a Google Calendar. | |
camel-google-calendar | Stable | 2.23 | Poll for changes in a Google Calendar. | |
camel-google-functions | Stable | 3.9 | Manage and invoke Google Cloud Functions | |
camel-google-drive | Stable | 2.14 | Manage files in Google Drive. | |
camel-google-mail | Stable | 2.15 | Manage messages in Google Mail. | |
camel-google-mail | Stable | 2.22 | Poll for incoming messages in Google Mail. | |
camel-google-pubsub | Stable | 2.19 | Send and receive messages to/from Google Cloud Platform PubSub Service. | |
camel-google-pubsub-lite | Stable | 4.6 | Send and receive messages to/from Google Cloud Platform PubSub Lite Service. | |
camel-google-secret-manager | Stable | 3.16 | Manage Google Secret Manager Secrets | |
camel-google-sheets | Stable | 2.23 | Manage spreadsheets in Google Sheets. | |
camel-google-sheets | Stable | 2.23 | Poll for changes in Google Sheets. | |
camel-google-storage | Stable | 3.9 | Store and retrieve objects from Google Cloud Storage Service using the google-cloud-storage library. | |
camel-grape | Stable-deprecated | 2.16 | Fetch, load and manage additional jars dynamically after Camel Context was started. | |
camel-graphql | Stable | 3.0 | Send GraphQL queries and mutations to external systems. | |
camel-grpc | Stable | 2.19 | Expose gRPC endpoints and access external gRPC endpoints. | |
camel-guava-eventbus | Stable-deprecated | 2.10 | Send and receive messages to/from Guava EventBus. | |
camel-hashicorp-vault | Stable | 3.18 | Manage secrets in Hashicorp Vault Service | |
camel-hazelcast | 2.7 | |||
camel-hazelcast | Stable | 2.7 | Increment, decrement, set, etc. Hazelcast atomic number (a grid wide number). | |
camel-hazelcast | Stable | 2.7 | Consume join/leave events of a cache instance in a Hazelcast cluster. | |
camel-hazelcast | Stable | 2.7 | Perform operations on Hazelcast distributed list. | |
camel-hazelcast | Stable | 2.7 | Perform operations on Hazelcast distributed map. | |
camel-hazelcast | Stable | 2.7 | Perform operations on Hazelcast distributed multimap. | |
camel-hazelcast | Stable | 2.7 | Perform operations on Hazelcast distributed queue. | |
camel-hazelcast | Stable | 2.16 | Perform operations on Hazelcast replicated map. | |
camel-hazelcast | Stable | 2.16 | Perform operations on Hazelcast distributed ringbuffer. | |
camel-hazelcast | Stable | 2.7 | Asynchronously send/receive Exchanges between Camel routes running on potentially distinct JVMs/hosts backed by Hazelcast BlockingQueue. | |
camel-hazelcast | Stable | 2.7 | Perform operations on Hazelcast distributed set. | |
camel-hazelcast | Stable | 2.15 | Send and receive messages to/from Hazelcast distributed topic. | |
camel-http | Stable | 2.3 | Send requests to external HTTP servers using Apache HTTP Client 5.x. | |
camel-huaweicloud-frs | Stable | 3.15 | Face Recognition Service (FRS) is an intelligent service that uses computers to process, analyze, and understand facial images based on human facial features. | |
camel-huaweicloud-imagerecognition | Stable | 3.12 | To identify objects, scenes, and concepts in images on Huawei Cloud | |
camel-huaweicloud-dms | Stable | 3.12 | To integrate with a fully managed, high-performance message queuing service on Huawei Cloud | |
camel-huaweicloud-functiongraph | Stable | 3.11 | To call serverless functions on Huawei Cloud | |
camel-huaweicloud-iam | Stable | 3.11 | To securely manage users on Huawei Cloud | |
camel-huaweicloud-obs | Stable | 3.12 | To provide stable, secure, efficient, and easy-to-use cloud storage service on Huawei Cloud | |
camel-huaweicloud-smn | Stable | 3.8 | To broadcast messages and connect cloud services through notifications on Huawei Cloud | |
camel-iec60870 | Stable | 2.20 | IEC 60870 supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) client using NeoSCADA implementation. | |
camel-iec60870 | Stable | 2.20 | IEC 60870 supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) server using NeoSCADA implementation. | |
camel-ignite | 2.17 | |||
camel-ignite | Stable | 2.17 | Perform cache operations on an Ignite cache or consume changes from a continuous query. | |
camel-ignite | Stable | 2.17 | Run compute operations on an Ignite cluster. | |
camel-ignite | Stable | 2.17 | Receive events from an Ignite cluster by creating a local event listener. | |
camel-ignite | Stable | 2.17 | Interact with Ignite Atomic Sequences and ID Generators . | |
camel-ignite | Stable | 2.17 | Send and receive messages from an Ignite topic. | |
camel-ignite | Stable | 2.17 | Interact with Ignite Queue data structures. | |
camel-ignite | Stable | 2.17 | Interact with Ignite Set data structures. | |
camel-infinispan | Stable | 2.13 | Read and write from/to Infinispan distributed key/value store and data grid. | |
camel-infinispan-embedded | Stable | 2.13 | Read and write from/to Infinispan distributed key/value store and data grid. | |
camel-influxdb | Stable | 2.18 | Interact with InfluxDB v1, a time series database. | |
camel-influxdb2 | Stable | 3.20 | Interact with InfluxDB v2, a time series database. | |
camel-irc | Stable | 1.1 | Send and receive messages to/from and IRC chat. | |
camel-ironmq | Stable | 2.17 | Send and receive messages to/from IronMQ an elastic and durable hosted message queue as a service. | |
camel-jcache | Stable | 2.17 | Perform caching operations against JSR107/JCache. | |
camel-jcr | Stable | 1.3 | Read and write nodes to/from a JCR compliant content repository. | |
camel-jdbc | Stable | 1.2 | Access databases through SQL and JDBC. | |
camel-jetty | Stable | 1.2 | Expose HTTP endpoints using Jetty 12. | |
camel-jgroups | Stable | 2.13 | Exchange messages with JGroups clusters. | |
camel-jgroups-raft | Stable | 2.24 | Exchange messages with JGroups-raft clusters. | |
camel-jira | Stable | 3.0 | Interact with JIRA issue tracker. | |
camel-jms | Stable | 1.0 | Send and receive messages to/from JMS message brokers. | |
camel-jmx | Stable | 2.6 | Receive JMX notifications. | |
camel-jolt | Stable | 2.16 | JSON to JSON transformation using JOLT. | |
camel-jooq | Stable | 3.0 | Store and retrieve Java objects from an SQL database using JOOQ. | |
camel-jpa | Stable | 1.0 | Store and retrieve Java objects from databases using Java Persistence API (JPA). | |
camel-jslt | Stable | 3.1 | Query or transform JSON payloads using JSLT. | |
camel-json-validator | Stable | 2.20 | Validate JSON payloads using NetworkNT JSON Schema. | |
camel-jsonata | Stable | 3.5 | Transforms JSON payload using JSONata transformation. | |
camel-json-patch | Stable | 3.12 | Transforms JSON using JSON patch (RFC 6902). | |
camel-jt400 | Stable | 1.5 | Exchanges messages with an IBM i system using data queues, message queues, or program call. IBM i is the replacement for AS/400 and iSeries servers. | |
camel-jte | Stable | 4.4 | Transform messages using a Java based template engine (JTE). | |
camel-kafka | Stable | 2.13 | Sent and receive messages to/from an Apache Kafka broker. | |
camel-knative | Stable | 3.15 | Send and receive events from Knative. | |
camel-knative-http | Stable | 3.15 | Camel Knative HTTP | |
camel-kubernetes | 2.17 | |||
camel-kubernetes | Stable | 2.17 | Perform operations on Kubernetes ConfigMaps and get notified on ConfigMaps changes. | |
camel-kubernetes | Stable | 4.3 | Perform operations on Kubernetes CronJob. | |
camel-kubernetes | Stable | 3.7 | Perform operations on Kubernetes Custom Resources and get notified on Deployment changes. | |
camel-kubernetes | Stable | 2.20 | Perform operations on Kubernetes Deployments and get notified on Deployment changes. | |
camel-kubernetes | Stable | 3.20 | Perform operations on Kubernetes Events and get notified on Events changes. | |
camel-kubernetes | Stable | 2.23 | Perform operations on Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscalers (HPA) and get notified on HPA changes. | |
camel-kubernetes | Stable | 2.23 | Perform operations on Kubernetes Jobs. | |
camel-kubernetes | Stable | 2.17 | Perform operations on Kubernetes Namespaces and get notified on Namespace changes. | |
camel-kubernetes | Stable | 2.17 | Perform operations on Kubernetes Nodes and get notified on Node changes. | |
camel-kubernetes | Stable | 2.17 | Perform operations on Kubernetes Persistent Volumes and get notified on Persistent Volume changes. | |
camel-kubernetes | Stable | 2.17 | Perform operations on Kubernetes Persistent Volumes Claims and get notified on Persistent Volumes Claim changes. | |
camel-kubernetes | Stable | 2.17 | Perform operations on Kubernetes Pods and get notified on Pod changes. | |
camel-kubernetes | Stable | 2.17 | Perform operations on Kubernetes Replication Controllers and get notified on Replication Controllers changes. | |
camel-kubernetes | Stable | 2.17 | Perform operations on Kubernetes Resources Quotas. | |
camel-kubernetes | Stable | 2.17 | Perform operations on Kubernetes Secrets. | |
camel-kubernetes | Stable | 2.17 | Perform operations on Kubernetes Service Accounts. | |
camel-kubernetes | Stable | 2.17 | Perform operations on Kubernetes Services and get notified on Service changes. | |
camel-kudu | Stable | 3.0 | Interact with Apache Kudu, a free and open source column-oriented data store of the Apache Hadoop ecosystem. | |
camel-langchain4j-chat | Stable | 4.5 | LangChain4j Chat component | |
camel-langchain4j-embeddings | Stable | 4.5 | LangChain4j Embeddings | |
camel-langchain4j-tools | Experimental | 4.8 | LangChain4j Tools and Function Calling Features | |
camel-langchain4j-web-search | Stable | 4.8 | LangChain4j Web Search Engine | |
camel-ldap | Stable | 1.5 | Perform searches on LDAP servers. | |
camel-ldif | Stable | 2.20 | Perform updates on an LDAP server from an LDIF body content. | |
camel-lucene | Stable | 2.2 | Perform inserts or queries against Apache Lucene databases. | |
camel-lumberjack | Stable | 2.18 | Receive logs messages using the Lumberjack protocol. | |
camel-mail | Stable | 1.0 | Send and receive emails using imap, pop3 and smtp protocols. | |
camel-mapstruct | Stable | 3.19 | Type Conversion using Mapstruct | |
camel-master | Stable | 2.20 | Have only a single consumer in a cluster consuming from a given endpoint; with automatic failover if the JVM dies. | |
camel-metrics | Stable | 2.14 | Collect various metrics directly from Camel routes using the DropWizard metrics library. | |
camel-micrometer | Stable | 2.22 | Collect various metrics directly from Camel routes using the Micrometer library. | |
camel-milvus | Stable | 4.5 | Perform operations on the Milvus Vector Database. | |
camel-mina | Stable | 2.10 | Socket level networking using TCP or UDP with Apache Mina 2.x. | |
camel-minio | Stable | 3.5 | Store and retrieve objects from Minio Storage Service using Minio SDK. | |
camel-mllp | Stable | 2.17 | Communicate with external systems using the MLLP protocol. | |
camel-mongodb | Stable | 2.19 | Perform operations on MongoDB documents and collections. | |
camel-mongodb-gridfs | Stable | 2.18 | Interact with MongoDB GridFS. | |
camel-mustache | Stable | 2.12 | Transform messages using a Mustache template. | |
camel-mvel | Stable | 2.12 | Transform messages using an MVEL template. | |
camel-mybatis | Stable | 2.7 | Performs a query, poll, insert, update or delete in a relational database using MyBatis. | |
camel-mybatis | Stable | 2.22 | Perform queries, inserts, updates or deletes in a relational database using MyBatis. | |
camel-nats | Stable | 2.17 | Send and receive messages from NATS messaging system. | |
camel-netty | Stable | 2.14 | Socket level networking using TCP or UDP with Netty 4.x. | |
camel-netty-http | Stable | 2.14 | Netty HTTP server and client using the Netty 4.x. | |
camel-nitrite | Stable-deprecated | 3.0 | Access Nitrite databases. | |
camel-oaipmh | Stable | 3.5 | Harvest metadata using OAI-PMH protocol | |
camel-olingo2 | Stable | 2.14 | Communicate with OData 2.0 services using Apache Olingo. | |
camel-olingo4 | Stable | 2.19 | Communicate with OData 4.0 services using Apache Olingo OData API. | |
camel-opensearch | Stable | 4.0 | Send requests to OpenSearch via Java Client API. | |
camel-kubernetes | Stable | 2.17 | Perform operations on OpenShift Build Configs. | |
camel-kubernetes | Stable | 2.17 | Perform operations on OpenShift Builds. | |
camel-kubernetes | Stable | 3.18 | Perform operations on OpenShift Deployment Configs and get notified on Deployment Config changes. | |
camel-openstack | 2.19 | |||
camel-openstack | Stable | 2.19 | Access data in OpenStack Cinder block storage. | |
camel-openstack | Stable | 2.19 | Manage VM images and metadata definitions in OpenStack Glance. | |
camel-openstack | Stable | 2.19 | Access OpenStack Keystone for API client authentication, service discovery and distributed multi-tenant authorization. | |
camel-openstack | Stable | 2.19 | Access OpenStack Neutron for network services. | |
camel-openstack | Stable | 2.19 | Access OpenStack to manage compute resources. | |
camel-openstack | Stable | 2.19 | Access OpenStack Swift object/blob store. | |
camel-optaplanner | Stable | 2.13 | Solve planning problems with OptaPlanner. | |
camel-paho | Stable | 2.16 | Communicate with MQTT message brokers using Eclipse Paho MQTT Client. | |
camel-paho-mqtt5 | Stable | 3.8 | Communicate with MQTT message brokers using Eclipse Paho MQTT v5 Client. | |
camel-pdf | Stable | 2.16 | Create, modify or extract content from PDF documents. | |
camel-pinecone | Stable | 4.6 | Perform operations on the Pinecone Vector Database. | |
camel-platform-http | Stable | 3.0 | Expose HTTP endpoints using the HTTP server available in the current platform. | |
camel-plc4x | Stable | 3.20 | Read and write to PLC devices | |
camel-pgevent | Stable | 2.15 | Send and receive PostgreSQL events via LISTEN and NOTIFY commands. | |
camel-pg-replication-slot | Stable | 3.0 | Poll for PostgreSQL Write-Ahead Log (WAL) records using Streaming Replication Slots. | |
camel-printer | Stable | 2.1 | Send print jobs to printers. | |
camel-base | Stable | 2.3 | The properties component is used for property placeholders in your Camel application, such as endpoint URIs. | |
camel-pubnub | Stable | 2.19 | Send and receive messages to/from PubNub data stream network for connected devices. | |
camel-pulsar | Stable | 2.24 | Send and receive messages from/to Apache Pulsar messaging system. | |
camel-qdrant | Stable | 4.5 | Perform operations on the Qdrant Vector Database. | |
camel-quartz | Stable | 2.12 | Schedule sending of messages using the Quartz 2.x scheduler. | |
camel-quickfix | Stable | 2.1 | Open a Financial Interchange (FIX) session using an embedded QuickFix/J engine. | |
camel-reactive-streams | Stable | 2.19 | Exchange messages with reactive stream processing libraries compatible with the reactive streams standard. | |
camel-rest-openapi | Stable | 3.1 | To call REST services using OpenAPI specification as contract. | |
camel-robotframework | Stable | 3.0 | Pass camel exchanges to acceptance test written in Robot DSL. | |
camel-rocketmq | Stable | 3.20 | Send and receive messages from RocketMQ cluster. | |
camel-rss | Stable | 2.0 | Poll RSS feeds. | |
camel-saga | Stable | 2.21 | Execute custom actions within a route using the Saga EIP. | |
camel-salesforce | Stable | 2.12 | Communicate with Salesforce using Java DTOs. | |
camel-sap-netweaver | Stable | 2.12 | Send requests to SAP NetWeaver Gateway using HTTP. | |
camel-schematron | Stable | 2.15 | Validate XML payload using the Schematron Library. | |
camel-jsch | Stable | 2.10 | Copy files to/from remote hosts using the secure copy protocol (SCP). | |
camel-service | Stable | 2.22 | Register a Camel endpoint to a Service Registry (such as Consul, Etcd) and delegate to it. | |
camel-servicenow | Stable | 2.18 | Interact with ServiceNow via its REST API. | |
camel-servlet | Stable | 2.0 | Serve HTTP requests by a Servlet. | |
camel-ftp | Stable | 1.1 | Upload and download files to/from SFTP servers. | |
camel-sjms | Stable | 2.11 | Send and receive messages to/from a JMS Queue or Topic using plain JMS 1.x API. | |
camel-sjms2 | Stable | 2.19 | Send and receive messages to/from a JMS Queue or Topic using plain JMS 2.x API. | |
camel-slack | Stable | 2.16 | Send and receive messages to/from Slack. | |
camel-smb | Stable | 4.3 | Receive files from SMB (Server Message Block) shares. | |
camel-smooks | Stable | 4.7 | Use Smooks to transform, route, and bind both XML and non-XML data, including EDI, CSV, JSON, and YAML. | |
camel-smpp | Stable | 2.2 | Send and receive SMS messages using a SMSC (Short Message Service Center). | |
camel-snmp | Stable | 2.1 | Receive traps and poll SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) capable devices. | |
camel-solr | Stable | 4.8 | Perform operations against Apache Lucene Solr. | |
camel-splunk | Stable | 2.13 | Publish or search for events in Splunk. | |
camel-splunk-hec | Stable | 3.3 | The splunk component allows publishing events in Splunk using the HTTP Event Collector. | |
camel-spring | ||||
camel-spring-batch | Stable | 2.10 | Send messages to Spring Batch for further processing. | |
camel-spring | Stable | 1.4 | Listen for Spring Application Events. | |
camel-spring-jdbc | Stable | 3.10 | Access databases through SQL and JDBC with Spring Transaction support. | |
camel-spring-ldap | Stable | 2.11 | Perform searches in LDAP servers using filters as the message payload. | |
camel-spring-rabbitmq | Stable | 3.8 | Send and receive messages from RabbitMQ using the Spring RabbitMQ client. | |
camel-spring-redis | Stable | 2.11 | Send and receive messages from Redis. | |
camel-spring-ws | Stable | 2.6 | Access external web services as a client or expose your own web services. | |
camel-sql | Stable | 1.4 | Perform SQL queries using Spring JDBC. | |
camel-sql | Stable | 2.17 | Perform SQL queries as a JDBC Stored Procedures using Spring JDBC. | |
camel-ssh | Stable | 2.10 | Execute commands on remote hosts using SSH. | |
camel-stax | Stable | 2.9 | Process XML payloads by a SAX ContentHandler. | |
camel-stitch | Stable | 3.8 | Stitch is a cloud ETL service that integrates various data sources into a central data warehouse through various integrations. | |
camel-stomp | Stable | 2.12 | Send and receive messages to/from STOMP (Simple Text Oriented Messaging Protocol) compliant message brokers. | |
camel-stringtemplate | Stable | 1.2 | Transform messages using StringTemplate engine. | |
camel-tahu | Preview | 4.8 | Sparkplug B Edge Node and Host Application support over MQTT using Eclipse Tahu | |
camel-tahu | Stable | 4.8 | Sparkplug B Edge Node and Device support over MQTT using Eclipse Tahu | |
camel-tahu | Stable | 4.8 | Sparkplug B Host Application support over MQTT using Eclipse Tahu | |
camel-telegram | Stable | 2.18 | Send and receive messages using the Telegram Bot API. | |
camel-tensorflow-serving | Preview | 4.10 | Provide access to TensorFlow Serving model servers to run inference with TensorFlow saved models remotely | |
camel-thrift | Stable | 2.20 | Call and expose remote procedures (RPC) with Apache Thrift data format and serialization mechanism. | |
camel-thymeleaf | Stable | 4.1 | Transform messages using a Thymeleaf template. | |
camel-tika | Stable | 2.19 | Parse documents and extract metadata and text using Apache Tika. | |
camel-torchserve | Preview | 4.9 | Provide access to PyTorch TorchServe servers to run inference with PyTorch models remotely | |
camel-twilio | Stable | 2.20 | Interact with Twilio REST APIs using Twilio Java SDK. | |
camel-twitter | Stable | 2.10 | Send and receive Twitter direct messages. | |
camel-twitter | Stable | 2.10 | Access Twitter Search. | |
camel-twitter | Stable | 2.10 | Send tweets and receive tweets from user’s timeline. | |
camel-undertow | Stable | 2.16 | Expose HTTP and WebSocket endpoints and access external HTTP/WebSocket servers. | |
camel-velocity | Stable | 1.2 | Transform messages using a Velocity template. | |
camel-vertx | Stable | 2.12 | Send and receive messages to/from Vert.x Event Bus. | |
camel-vertx-http | Stable | 3.5 | Send requests to external HTTP servers using Vert.x | |
camel-vertx-websocket | Stable | 3.5 | Expose WebSocket endpoints and connect to remote WebSocket servers using Vert.x | |
camel-weather | Stable | 2.12 | Poll the weather information from Open Weather Map. | |
camel-web3j | Stable | 2.22 | Interact with Ethereum nodes using web3j client API. | |
camel-webhook | Stable | 3.0 | Expose webhook endpoints to receive push notifications for other Camel components. | |
camel-whatsapp | Stable | 3.19 | Send messages to WhatsApp. | |
camel-wordpress | Stable | 2.21 | Manage posts and users using the WordPress API. | |
camel-workday | Stable | 3.1 | Detect and parse documents using Workday. | |
camel-xchange | Stable | 2.21 | Access market data and trade on Bitcoin and Altcoin exchanges. | |
camel-xj | Stable | 3.0 | Transform JSON and XML message using a XSLT. | |
camel-xmlsecurity | Stable | 2.12 | Sign XML payloads using the XML signature specification. | |
camel-xmlsecurity | Stable | 2.12 | Verify XML payloads using the XML signature specification. | |
camel-xmpp | Stable | 1.0 | Send and receive messages to/from an XMPP chat server. | |
camel-saxon | Stable | 1.0 | Query and/or transform XML payloads using XQuery and Saxon. | |
camel-zeebe | Preview | 3.21 | Zeebe component which integrates with Camunda Zeebe to interact with the API. | |
camel-zendesk | Stable | 2.19 | Manage Zendesk tickets, users, organizations, etc. | |
camel-zookeeper | Stable | 2.9 | Manage ZooKeeper clusters. | |
camel-zookeeper-master | Stable | 2.19 | Have only a single consumer in a cluster consuming from a given endpoint; with automatic failover if the JVM dies. |