Apache Camel community is happy to announce the general availability of Camel K 2.2.0. This release has slipped finally in 2024 but here we are with a lot of new exciting developments.
Enable source less Integrations
This is the first step to onboard any Camel runtime. You may already have a process that build your application and containerize it in a container registry. From now on you can reference such container and use the operator to start that application without requiring the Integration to contain the source code:
apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1
kind: Integration
camel.apache.org/operator.id: camel-k
name: test
image: docker.io/my-org/my-camel-app:1.0.0
See more detail in the official Camel K runtimes documentation. The nice thing is that with this approach you will be able to run Camel Quarkus, Camel Springboot and Camel Main runtimes from Camel K operator.
Show root image hierarchy in IntegrationKits
IntegrationKit concept is a great abstraction that makes the operator run that fast when building and deploying a new Integration. As it manages a hierarchy of other IntegrationKits, as a user you may wonder which is the root image that was generated for a given Integration. Then, you can check it now by querying the API:
kubectl get ik
kit-ckofr2pbtegs738g3mog eclipse-temurin:17
kit-ckofrf9btegs738g3mp0 eclipse-temurin:17
kit-ckofse1btegs738g3mqg registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/openjdk-17:1.16
kit-ckofsq1btegs738g3mr0 registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/openjdk-17:1.16
kit-ckoh539btegs738g3mu0 eclipse-temurin:
We have also fixed the entire procedure and now each IntegrationKit hierarchy won’t mix with any other hierarchy (as their root image may be different).
IntegrationPlatform shortname is itp
So far we have used ip
as a shortname for IntegrationPlatform. However this is clashing against a few other Kubernetes resources and it probably makes sense for use to use instead itp
. Please, consider that we are deprecating the usage of ip
with this release and it can be therefore removed in future releases.
Expose trait conditions
One of the goal of Camel K is to simplify the developers life when they use Kubernetes. You know we have many traits that encapsulate logic to fine tune an Integration aspect. Some of them sometimes fail or reports warnings that were only provided in the operator log. From this release onward we are exposing these conditions into the Integration as well to simplify the troubleshooting. When something is not working as expected, you should get more useful information by just looking at the Integration conditions.
- firstTruthyTime: "2024-01-05T14:59:28Z"
lastTransitionTime: "2024-01-05T14:59:28Z"
lastUpdateTime: "2024-01-05T14:59:31Z"
message: 'explicitly disabled by the platform: container image was not built
via Camel K operator'
reason: jvmTraitConfiguration
status: "True"
type: TraitInfo
Knative installation procedure
We have provided some guidelines about the procedure required to work with Knative. Beside that we’ve fixed the procedure and have now the availability out of the box when running installation via Helm.
Default runtime bound to latest Camel LTS
We have decided to use as the default runtime for Camel K, the latest available LTS version of Camel, which, in this release is 4.0.3. With this approach you can safely upgrade the operator to the latest stable version and getting always the latest LTS version available of Camel/Camel Quarkus as a default.
ARM64 installation procedure
We’ve gone a step further in the support of ARM64 architectures. We have reviewed the procedure that will let you install and run your first ARM64 based Camel K Integration.
Pipeline build NodeSelectors
We have worked to make our pipeline more reliable and be able to derive the workload of each build to any specific cluster node. Thanks to the build trait NodeSelector option you should be able to that very easily from now on.
Full release notes
Those were the most interesting features we have delivered in Camel K 2.2.0. We have more minor things and a lot of bug fixed, documentation and dependency updates that you can check in the 2.2.0 release notes.
Thanks a lot to our contributors and the hard work happening in the community. Feel free to provide any feedback or comment using the Apache Camel available channels.