Image by Anders Lanzen CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
We are pleased to announce the 3.0.0-M2 release of Camel Quarkus. This is the second iteration towards a new 3.0.0 major release. It aligns with Quarkus 3.1.0.Final and Camel 4.0.0-M3.
Camel 4.0.0-M3
Please refer to the Camel 4.0.0-M3 announcement for more details.
Quarkus 3.1.0.Final
Please refer to the 3.1.0.Final announcement for more details.
Migrating to Camel Quarkus 3.0.0
Please check the Camel Quarkus 3.0 migration guide to learn about main breaking changes from both Camel 4.0 and Quarkus 3.0.
Work in progress
There is still work in progress and some extensions that are not available yet in the Camel Quarkus 3.0.0-M2. Please check the pending issues.
For more information, please check the Release note.
Many thanks to all contributors and issue reporters!