2023 has come, and with that it is time to make a little retrospective on the work we have completed in 2022 in Camel K project. We are already collecting ideas to submit to the community for 2023 in order to define the new roadmap. Stay tuned, more is coming shortly…
Camel K 2022 roadmap update
It’s been a long ride and here a short resume of what we accomplished during the last year in Camel K project. We had a roadmap plan defined at the beginning of the year, let’s have a look and see what we accomplished:
Multi-architecture images partially achieved
This was a nice contribution that is allowing to leverage the capability of building multi-architecture image containers via Buildah. Definitely a great way to start experimenting with the feature and likely something we’ll be willing to invest time in 2023.
Nightly releases
We now use the very last bits from Camel K Runtime and Kamelets as well. If you’re one of those person that cannot stand waiting for a stable release to come to try out new exciting stuff, then, likely you haven’t missed this. Every night you can get a version of Camel K with the latest features/fixes baked into it (though, it’s not guaranteed to be fully working).
Adding kamel install
feature parity to Kustomize
We’ve worked to strengthen the offering of installation via Kustomize, that may see more advance in 2023.
Provided a full description of the APIs
We now all understand what an IntegrationKit is… :P Tools such as Kaoto or Karavan may benefit from this as it is easier to understand the meaning of Camel K API now that it’s written in stone!
Refactoring of traits: now they are part of the API definition
Quite big refactoring effort. We are now able to read the traits definition through the API.
Encapsulated configuration logic into traits
We’re harmonizing the way to configure Camel K Integration putting the logic into traits (mount
trait). We’ve deprecated the possibility to directly do it in the Integration specification.
kamel promote
Tired of reinventing the wheel and to find out how to promote a Camel K Integration in your cluster? Just kamel promote
New multi tenancy
You can now create as many operators as you want and be able to define your own multi-tenancy model by assigning your Integration the name of the operator you whish to take care of it.
Improved the user experience when an Integration fail
You should no longer look the operator log to know what’s going on! Just look at the Integration failing conditions.
Enabled support for KEDA autoscalers
If you want to auto-scale your resources such as data storages and other services.
Bundle local java dependencies in your application
No more need to publish your local dependency to a Maven repository. Just use it from your local filesystem via kamel run -d file:/path/to/dep.jar
Howtos blogs
We’ve developed a series of “How to” blog post to show main operations on Camel K: testing, monitoring, promoting an Integration. You now knows how to do all that stuff ;)
Beside all that stuff, we’ve made an enormous work of stabilization (73 known bugs fixed) and an hidden work of automating the process that will strengthen our ability to focus on delivering new exciting features. On behalf of Camel community we wish you a Happy New Year. 2023 is going to be a great year for Apache Camel with Camel 4 on the way!