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Time for a new release! Time for Camel K 1.8 version. Keep reading to discover what’s new in Camel K!
This is the set of technologies on which Camel K 1.8 is based:
- Apache Camel K Runtime 1.11.0
- Apache Camel Quarkus 2.6.0
- Apache Camel 3.14.0
- Apache Camel Kamelets 0.7.0
As usual, thanks to Apache Camel, Camel Quarkus and Kamelet Catalog contributors for the great efforts they’ve put in those new releases as well.
KEDA support
The most remarkable feature available in this new release, is the support of KEDA. Thanks to this feature, you will be now able to add autoscaling features to any kind of event supported by KEDA, not only based on HTTP as we used to have with Knative. Learn more about this fantastic feature reading the dedicated blog, Camel meets Keda.
Faster Operator startup
You already know, Camel K was imprinted with the concept of fast execution. One great work we carried on, was to reduce the time to startup the operator in less than a second. Quite remarkable and very welcome in the era of Cloud Native!
Honor HTTP proxy settings
We had this feature in our TODO list since a while. You will be able to use your HTTP(S) proxy in the Camel K Operator for any kind of egress operation (Maven dependencies, image pulling, …). Moreover, once set, you will be able to have it automatically configure the HTTP proxy settings in all your Integrations
. Just declare the typical HTTP proxy environment variables during Camel K Operator installation. Have a look a the [official documentation](/camel-k/next/ installation/advanced/http-proxy.html) for more details.
Configurable Maven CLI options
Maven is our preferred tool for managing projects dependencies. However, sometimes it is very verbose, in particular when it downloads the Internet… Jokes apart, we introduced the possibility to set the .IntegrationPlatform.spec.build.maven.cliOption
, which will allow you provide any maven
configuration you want (ie, -V,--no-transfer-progress,-Dstyle.color=never, ...
). Your log aggregation tool will breath now.
Encapsulated configuration, volumes and properties logic into traits
This is a bit an hidden feature, but you must be aware of what’s behind the scenes. We moved part of the logic previously run by the kamel run
command, into a dedicated trait, which will be in charge to take care of that aspect only. With this strategy we aim to simplify the Integration
configuration and the execution which is not done via kamel
More in detail, with this release we’ve moved the -p|--property
logic into the Camel trait. We’ve also created the Mount trait which will be take care of --config
, --resource
and --volume
parameters of the kamel run
CLI command. Nothing will change for the CLI users. If you instead are directly editing the Integration
, be aware that we have deprecated the .Integration.Configuration
and Integration.Resources
field in favour of those traits. We will still support it for a few more releases, but you should no longer use it in the future.
Report runtime health checks into Integration readiness condition
In the latest releases we’re improving the monitoring aspect in order to provide the user all the information about the health of an Integration
. In this release we’re improving the readiness condition which now incorporates the Camel runtime health status into the Integration status.
More Kamelet love
The Apache Camel Kamelet Catalog is already on 0.7.0
version. It’s growing and getting more mature at each new release.
Dependencies upgrade
There are several dependency upgrades. Nothing really remarkable, you can find more details on the GitHub release page.
We’ve worked on completing known gaps on the documentation. It worths to mention the section explaining how to use Jitpack.
Bug fixes and test coverage
As you may see in the release page we have closed quite a good number of known bugs as well.
Thanks to all contributors who made this possible. We’re happy to receive feedback on this version through our mailing list, our official chat or filing an issue on Camel K Github repository.